Solving tomorrow’s problems, today

The energy system of tomorrow relies on a high share of renewable energy production, and with that comes a new set of uncertainties. Grid owners, producers and consumers are all affected by these uncertainties, and enabling that system relies on stability in grid frequency, prices and volume. Combining and solving these problems is what we call flexibility.

What we do

Empowered by our cutting-edge forecasting, optimization, and trading software, we open the doors for all energy assets to actively contribute to stabilizing the uncertainties within the energy system. This not only enhances grid resilience but also generates additional revenue streams for asset owners. 

Expanding upon and harnessing our core capabilities, we are rapidly emerging as a leading developer of grid-scale Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), earning the trust of grid owners throughout Europe.

“The key component of energizing tomorrow is flexible power”

Flexibility as we see it, embraces all parts of the energy ecosystem of tomorrow, from enabling more investment in renewable energy resources with less infrastructure to ensuring a balanced everyday electricity grid

John Diklev, Founder & CEO

Ellevio – one of Sweden’s largest DSOs

“A trustworthy partner – a leading aggregator and optimizer which understands our needs, and how to optimize our large-scale BESS assets in order to always maximize our returns.”

Kristofer Fröjd, SVP Strategy & Business Development

Get in touch with us

Are you a top talent who wants to be in the frontier of developing the solutions for tomorrow's energy system? Or are you looking for the leading optimizer to get the most out of your energy assets?

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